If you use a mobile device to access the internet or wish to use a phone for classes installing the Gymcatch application is a great way to manage your classes
Please Note this is ONLY for UK. If you are in Europe its not available and will need to use computer
We seem to live in a world on our phone these days and so it would make sense that if you want to join the classes offered by Streaming Dance Fitness then installing the app is the best way
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Hi All
We now have a Youtube channel where videos will also be posted along with Flickr & news and updated information going on Facebook…I think we’ve covered all the social media platforms ….Oh Instagram as well
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Hi all and hope you had a really GREAT Christmas.
I’ve been working on a new ad for our Facebook Streaming page so I hope you like.
If you’ve not tried online streaming yet, give it a go, dont forget first week is FREE
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Looking to find FitSteps classes in Spain, and struggling?
Sadly, in Spain they are very few FitSteps instructors, and with the Covid situation fewer are offering classes. An option to this is streaming classes.I started Zoom classes during the lockdown and have carried on because some of my ladies and gents still don’t like to meet up in a group, even though we are following guidelines
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