To Book Classes
Open this page and sign in using email & password – If you click “Keep Me Logged In“ you won’t have to do this again . click page below
Click Schedule link you can see on the top of the page
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If you use a mobile device to access the internet or wish to use a phone for classes installing the Gymcatch application is a great way to manage your classes
Please Note this is ONLY for UK. If you are in Europe its not available and will need to use computer
We seem to live in a world on our phone these days and so it would make sense that if you want to join the classes offered by Streaming Dance Fitness then installing the app is the best way
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“A picture is worth a thousand words, well a video must be a book 🙂 ” Its a saying that just about sums up the meaning of this posting on signing up to Streaming Dance Fitness, along with getting your first free class or 1 week.
The process of joining the site is easy, but if you are not sure about finding your way around websites it can also be confusing
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When joining you will be asked what county you are from and will see UK, Ireland & America listed but no Europe.
My advice is to tick UK because all times displayed are UK times, you just need to remember to add 1 hour onto the time displayed…hopefully soon Gymcatch will cover Spain & the rest of Europe
The booking platform we use ( Gymcatch) has problems working with Firefox.
If you are trying to book class, see the timetable or buy a class you won’t be able to
If you use another browser it will work.
We now have a new entrance to the studio which is via Calle Abeto. It will have lights on and easy to see as well as walk up.
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Because we rely on the internet to get our classes streamed, sometimes things will go wrong, either with power, software or the internet company, if this happens please dont worry, any classes that can’t go ahead wont be charged for and a free class pass will be sent out…once we get power back on 🙂
To access the streaming classes you will need to install Zoom. Even if you don’t work from home, you’ve probably heard of Zoom mostly due to the Covid situation and more people working from home.
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The simple and can be cheap answer is to buy a speaker.. By doing this you are increasing in most cases the speaker by a huge amount offering a better output and being able to enjoy the instructions more.
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